We left Virginia on Monday, August 13th in our Honda CRV pulling a U-haul to pick up our Newmar Dutchstar in Garfield, MN. We split up the drive into three 6+ hour drives. We stopped in Sandusky, OH on Monday where we walked part of the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail. On Tuesday, we stayed overnight in Madison, WI and finally arrived in Garfield on Wednesday afternoon. We unloaded the U-haul quickly and began moving things into the RV. A little overwhelming at first, but quickly became manageable by breaking it down. We slept well on our first night in the RV on comfy new mattresses and went for a bike ride the Central Lakes State Trail on Thursday morning. Julie loves her new full suspension mountain bike! After our ride we packed everything up and got the rig ready for our first mini-trip to a campground 4 miles away. Mike did a great job driving for the first time after some instruction from the RV dealership. We will spend most of the weekend getting organized while the CRV is getting set up to be our tow vehicle. We are both very pleased with how smoothly everything is going and how comfortable we already feel in our new home. We will leave on Monday to a new campsite for 2 days of driving lessons.

Leaving Virginia
Lake Erie
Picking up the RV in Garfield, MN