Our time on the Space Coast was very enjoyable despite the new Covid-19 regulations, primarily because we were staying in a wonderful campground. The Great Outdoors RV, Nature & Golf Resort in Titusville, Florida is one of our favorite campgrounds to date. The resort is a very well planned community with a combination of beautiful homes, many different types of RV sites, and all the amenities you can imagine. Our favorite part was all the nature trails, wildlife viewing and room to bike/walk/run throughout the park. We would definitely recommend this resort and will likely return in the future.
Nature is still available while social distancing so we took advantage when possible by hiking, biking and bird watching. Mike biked an area in the St. Johns Water Management District that was right next to our resort and snapped some great pictures. The nearby Black Island Wildlife Drive and the Orlando Wetlands Park were really beautiful, each had several different ecosystems with great opportunities to enjoy being outdoors.
It is always cool to watch a rocket launch and we were thrilled to get to watch a Spacex Falcon 9 take off while we were in town. The launch was postponed a day and then cancelled at the last minute unfortunately. That day we still had a great time at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge and on the Cape Canaveral Seashore. A few days later the launch was scheduled earlier in the morning and we were able to see a beautiful sunrise, watch dolphins and take a hike at the Helen & Allan Cruickshank Sanctuary where we saw our first Florida Scrub Jay.
Titusville also had some nice biking trails that I spent a lot of time on. I especially enjoyed a section of the Coast to Coast Trail with a cute little self serve concession stand along the route, Vergies. The roads weren’t as busy as the Ft. Myers area, so I was also able to explore several nearby coastal cities and bike for miles along the water with some spectacular views.
We are starting our route towards the midwest to visit family. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, we will have to be very flexible throughout our journey, as many campgrounds are closing. We are keeping a positive attitude and staying safe.

RV & Golf Resort
Sandhill Cranes
Otter in Campground

Eagle in Blue Heron Water Reclamation
Merritt Island NWR
Black Island Wildlife Drive

Cape Canaveral Seashore
Spacex Falcon 9 Launch
Sunrise Before the Launch

Coast to Coast Trail
Vergie's Pit Stop
Max Brewer Bridge