After leaving Kansas City, we made two quick stops in Wichita and Oklahoma City. The weather was rainy, so we really didn’t venture out much from our RV. There was a severe thunderstorm warning during our stay at Road Runner RV Park in Oklahoma City. This RV park is seriously prepared with four storm shelters. We wish that more RV parks, especially in “tornado alley”, had storm shelters, as it can be difficult to find a safe location in many locations. Definitely not our favorite part of RVing!
Our next stop was the Dallas area, where we stayed at Lake Shore RV Resort again in Garland. This park has great amenities, is right on the water, has restaurants and shopping nearby, and most importantly close to family. Our campsite this time faced Lake Ray Hubbard, and we had a lovely view, especially at night. We enjoyed a lot of good food, vintage shopping, paddle boarding, card games and just hanging out with our daughter Erica, and her husband Shane.
My sister Laurie and her husband Mark, often meet us in Dallas when we are in town. We hadn’t camped near them for a couple years, so it was especially nice to stay in a brand new campground, “Big Tex” in Ben Wheeler, close to their house. It is going to be a really neat campground when it is completed; nestled in the trees and a man-made lake. Laurie and I ran a lot of errands together, for one of their businesses, “Happy Cattle Beef”, with her dog Paisley. I also went with her to a “Reko Ring” in her community, where people order local vegetables, eggs, beef, milk, bread, etc., in advance and come together in a short time-frame to pick up goods from vendors. It was similar to a farmers market; but a much quicker process picking up just what your family needs. I also had fun decorating her halloween tree with her gorgeous Radko ornaments, while she was working. The best part of the visit was definitely playing “pitch”, a card game, and just visiting.
Mike’s brother John and his wife, Cheri just moved into their new house in Georgetown, while it was still being remodeled. We stayed at Reagan Ridge RV park which was just a few miles from their house. Mike and John had fun going to a movie and sitting in the community hot tub. We all got together for a nice dinner, and you guessed it, had another fun night playing cards. This time we played “Three to Thirteen”. Always a great time when you spend it with family!
Next we are headed to two new to us, Texas State Parks.

Oklahoma City RV Park Tornado Shelters
Hot Tub at Lake Shore RV
Lake Hubbard Walking Path

Rockwall, Texas
Erica & Mike Paddleboarding
Lunch with Erica