After visiting our family in the Omaha and Kansas City area, we started our journey towards Dallas, TX to spend the holidays with our kids. We were hoping for an uneventful journey, but ran into yet another snow storm in Oklahoma and some unexpected service for our RV’s engine
The good news is that we have definitely become more flexible with our schedule , finding other RV locations on the fly, and staying in locations without full hook ups. We also had a couple firsts: staying overnight in a parking lot and arriving to a new campsite at night. It feels really great to have some experience under our belt and not to feel like complete “rookies” anymore. Patience is key, along with comfort food after a stressful day.
We arrived to the Dallas area earlier than planned, but were lucky to find a spot at Lake Ray Roberts State Park. The park had a lot of mountain biking and hiking trails, however, due to the wet weather, we stuck to the paved trails. We did see a lot of deer in the woods and snowy egrets on the lake.

We spent our first overnight in a parking lot at the Cumings Service Center in Tulsa, OK.
This is our campsite in a Tulsa RV park. When we arrived at night, someone was in our spot. Yikes! They quickly departed, as they weren't paying for the site.
Our campsite at Lake Roberts State Park in Pilot Point, TX