South Llano River and Choke Canyon were two new Texas state parks to us. Mike had heard good things about both parks from fellow birders, so we made it a point to add them to our schedule. Both campsites were large, wooded and private; they just did not have water or sewer. Unfortunately, we weren’t in either park at a prime birding time, but we definitely saw a lot of birds, javelinas, armadillos, deer and foxes. South Llano River State park had four bird blinds: Acorn, Agarita, Juniper and Lora’s. There were 22 miles of trails to walk or bike to the blinds, lake, or just to hike/bike and enjoy nature. The park also has a large turkey roost area. Choke Canyon State Park had a bird sanctuary, trails, gorgeous 7 acre lake and alligators! Mike captured a beautiful sunset on the lake and some good shots of javelina. Julie loved bike riding in the park and the surrounding area.
Next Stop: South Texas

Turkey Roost Area
South Llanos River
Lona's Bird Blind

Agarita Bird Blind
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
White Winged Doves

7 Acre Lake Choke Canyon
We didn't go in the Lake!