We were really looking forward to our first visit to San Antonio, and we were not disappointed. We stayed at Travelers World RV Resort that was located right on the Riverwalk Trail. It was so nice to run and bike right from our campsite. We were also within walking and biking distance from the missions. San Antonio’s Historical Park is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which preserves four of the five Spanish frontier missions. It was pretty cool to walk through these beautiful old buildings and grounds. The Day of the Dead celebration decorations were still up, and I was able to light a candle in one of the churches for my father, who recently passed away. We also enjoyed biking around the missions and around the city on the local trails. Downtown San Antonio and the River Walk was definitely the highlight of our visit. We thoroughly enjoyed walking and dining in this beautiful iconic location in the afternoon and evening. We are looking forward to coming back again in the Spring.
Next stop Corpus Christi!

Day view of Riverwalk
Another Riverwalk View
Mike on the Riverwalk

Riverwalk at Night
Evening on the Rivewalk
Boat Ride

San Antonio Missions National Park
San Jose Mission
Another View of Mission

Courtyard View
Church Interior
More Exterior Views

Biking the Riverwalk Trail

Mike enjoying the ride!