Full -Time RVing just keeps getting better! We are taking our time to relax, explore and learn in each new area. Wyoming is more beautiful and interesting then we imagined. We are currently in Dubois, WY. (Dubois is commonly mispronounced with the correct French (Dewb-wah), but in Wyoming it’s pronounced it (DEW-boyz). Pretty funny story; the town petitioned to be named “Tibo” and the Wyoming senator did not like the name, so he decided to name it after himself. In protest, the locals rejected the french pronunciation.)
We became very intrigued with the petroglyphs (rock art) pecked and carved in the rocks near Dubois, and booked a tour with the local museum. The carvings are thought to be the work of the Sheep Eater Indians (Mountain Shoshone) thousands of years ago. Our tour guide took us to multiple locations on private and public land to see many different petroglyphs.

Petroglyph that looks like an owl?

One of our favorite petroglyphs that was deeply etched in the rock.

More petroglyphs
The history of the mountains and glaciers in the area was also really interesting. We were fortunate to be able to see Gannet Peak, the highest mountain in Wyoming (13,804 feet), located in the Wind River Mountain Range, along the Continental Divide. We decided not to hike/climb the 49 miles to the top (LOL), and chose a 5 mile hike on a nearby trail to Lake Louise instead. The white on the mountain below are glaciers!

Hike to Lake Louise with Gannet Peak in the distance
We also hiked on the Jades Lake trail near Brooks Lake in the Shoshone National Forest.

Brooks Lake near start of Jade Lakes Trail

Brooks Lake in Shoshone National Forrest
Dubois has some nice mountain biking trails with spectacular views. Mike had a blast doing the technical sections, while I did the easier parts and lots of climbing.

One of the mountain bike trails in Dubois, WY.

Taking a break from biking near Table Mountain
Sunset over Middle Mountain
We are heading for the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone shortly and can’t wait!