Our first year of full-time RV life is in the books! It has been an amazing journey and we expect to continue on this path for many years to come. One thing that really strikes us is that we feel like we are kids again. Every week or so we have a new playground to explore and new things to learn. We have an even greater appreciation of nature and our great country. No matter where we go there is something beautiful to enjoy and new people to meet.
Here are a few facts from our 1st year of full-time RV life:
11,287 miles driven in our RV, an average of 941 miles per month
12,753 miles driven in our tow vehicle while we were camped; 1063 miles per month
17 states visited
60 campgrounds; 40 RV parks, 12 state parks, 4 free sites, 3 county parks, 1 national park
7 National parks visited
?? National Monuments, Memorials, Landmarks, Historic sites (We lost track!)
We feel very blessed with how smoothly our 1st year went. In large part this was due to over two years of research and preparation before we embarked on our maiden voyage. The two most important things we did to make sure that full-time RV life was something we really would be comfortable with were renting an RV a couple times and attending an RV Rally. We really looked at the pros and cons of this lifestyle seriously before making our initial commitment. From there, Mike really took the ball and ran with it, and did a ton of research so we could make the best decisions going forward. Everyone is different in terms of timeframe, needs, preferences, current vehicles, space needed, etc. For us, since we already had a vehicle we could tow, a Class A RV made the most sense. We chose the Newmar brand due to its quality reputation and “Comfort Drive” steering system. The size and floor plan we selected was a 43’ with a king size bed and bath and a half, to allow us the personal space we felt we would be satisfied with long term. We found a gently used Newmar Dutchstar that met our requirements, and paid cash from the sale of our house, to start our new path without any debt. We added a new custom recliner, chest of drawers, chair covers, etc. to make it ours, and it definitely feels like home!
Of course, we have had some challenges during our first year, and thankfully they have been relatively minor. The weather is something none of us can control and at times it can bring some unexpected surprises. Our first winter was a bit difficult as we had important family events in late November in the midwest. Unfortunately, we were in more snow and cold temperatures than we would like, but thankfully no serious issues. Summer thunderstorms and tornado warnings are also no fun in an RV, and they often happen without a lot of advance notice. In order to minimize any danger, we always closely monitor the weather. We purchased a NOAA weather radio, download local tv station apps, and watch the local news. We also experienced some unexpected service issues with both our motorhome and Honda CRV. Progressive Insurance roadside assistance was a lifesaver and saved us a lot of money. Thankfully none of our issues were serious,were resolved quickly and were not outrageously expensive.
Our overall lifestyle is focused on balance and keeping things simple. There is no reason for us to hurry, so we try to take our time and enjoy each location.. We travel an average of 3 ½ to 4 hours to each new destination and normally stay for a week, unless we have a family event or other commitment. We definitely save money on diesel by driving less, and frequently obtain additional discounts at RV resorts for staying for a week. In the winter, we like to stay at each campsite for a month or more, which is also more economical. Staying in one location longer also helps us to maintain our routines and live more like we are retired, rather than always being on vacation.
Health is very important to us, so we really try to focus on eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Traveling with weights, exercise equipment and having a strong commitment to regular strength and cardio workouts, goes a long way towards meeting our fitness goals. We look for routes to use our road bikes and/or mountain bikes or to run/hike at every location. We joined Planet fitness too, as it is such an inexpensive option to use their gym equipment occasionally and their showers when we are not camping with full hook-ups. We are both very pleased that we have not gained any weight in our first year and are both stronger than when we started.
To celebrate our anniversary, we are having a promotional giveaway of “Roamin’ with the Romes” t-shirts and/or outdoor inspired candles from our daughter’s company, River Birch Candles. Each candle provides a meal to the homeless, so it is the gift that keeps on giving!
Entering is SO easy!!!
Do any one or more of the following to be eligible to win. Each action gives you a chance to win!!
1. Like our FB Page: RoaminwiththeRomes
2. Like River Birch Candles FB Page: River Birch Candles
3. Subscribe to our blog: https://roaminwiththeromes.com/ (page down on home page and enter your e-mail address in subscribe section)
4. Subscribe to River Birch Candles: https://riverbirchcandles.com
5. Follow us on Instagram: RoaminwiththeRomes
6. Follow River Birch Candles on Instagram: River Birch Candles
The contest starts on August 17th and winners will be announced on September 4th. (We will be in the Grand Canyon and remote locations through 9/2 and will have limited internet access.)
Good luck!!
Life is good! We are so grateful that we are able to live this wonderful lifestyle and we appreciate your support!!! If you want to find our more about our journey check out our blog posts going back to 2016 or contact us personally through our website or social media.

Renting our first RV
Retirement & Selling our House
Fabulous Original Owners of our RV

RV move in day!
First trip in our new to us RV
Mount Rushmore

Waterfall in Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
Grand Tetons
Rocky Mountain National Park