On our way to visit family, we stopped in Ogallala and Kearney, Nebraska. We have been to both of these destinations a number of times. Ogallala has a very nice lake and Kearney has some nice hike and bike trails; which we enjoy each visit. We stayed at Walnut Creek Recreation in Papillion, Nebraska near Mike’s mom, which is a our favorite campground in the area. It is super inexpensive; $16 per night; but does not have water or sewer. We don’t mind it for this price! In Omaha, we watched a lot of football and baseball games with Mike’s mom and siblings. We also went to the Gene Leahy Mall at The River Front and the Old Market, which was tons of fun. Unfortunately, a few days into the visit, I somehow contracted COVID. I won’t ever know how I got it, as I was fully vaccinated with 3rd booster, received 4 weeks before I contracted the illness, and I was very careful. Thankfully, my case was very mild; but I tested positive for two weeks. It was the first time, I was really sick of the RV, and staying mostly in the back of the RV with bedroom and bathroom. Mike tested negative regularly, and was able to be around family, go birding and continue to enjoy the visit. The highlight was when our daughter Erica and husband Shane flew in for the weekend, primarily to see Rita, Mike’s 92 year old Mom. Sadly, Mike did test positive a few days later when we were in Kansas City to visit my mom and family. We stayed at a new campground in KC, Blue Springs Campground. It was a nice city campground with full hookups, but not much in the way of trails. Regrettably, while we were in KC, I was only able to see my mom outside, and with both of us wearing masks; but it was better than nothing. We feel fortunate that we went so long without getting COVID, and are thankful that we both had such mild cases. We are looking forward to visiting our daughter in Dallas, and heading south for the winter.

Mike & His Mom
Old Market
Gene Leahy Mall at the River Front

Relaxing at the Mall
More Games on the Mall
Barred Owl, Fontenelle Forest, NE