New adventures and discoveries are what make full-time RV life so amazing. We never know what we might encounter and learn at every new destination. Gering, Nebraska and the surrounding area definitely provided an unexpected educational experience with fantastic scenery. The biggest surprise was finding a lighthouse at nearby Lake Minatare, the only one in Nebraska. This landmark was built with native stone during the Great Depression by the Veterans Conservation Corp in 1937, and was meant to be a beacon of hope.
Our campsite, Robidoux RV Park in Gering, was a very peaceful city park that had a beautiful view of Scottsbluff National Monument. We spent a lot of time exploring this monument,the Legacy of the Plains Museum, and Chimney Rock National Monument. It was very interesting learning more about the Oregon trail and the history of the area, not to mention the spectacular views and beautiful wilflowers.
Thankfully we had wonderful weather for the majority of our stay. We were able to go on multiple hikes and bike rides in and around the monuments and along the North Platte River. We did need to keep our eyes out for rattlesnakes, as they are fairly common around here. Last but not least, we were able to get some birding in at Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area.
Next stop, Colorado!

Lake Minatare State Recreation Area
Monument Valley Pathway
North Platte River on Monument Pathway

Scottsbluff National Monument
Hiking at the Scottsbluff Monument
Another View of Monument

How tall is Chimney Rock?
Actual View of Chimney Rock

Prairie Spiderwort
Platte Lupine
Milkweed with Monarch Butterfly