We haven’t experienced a lot of rain this summer, however, it caught up with us at all of our last three stops. Rain has many benefits though, so we won’t complain. We stayed at the Great Divide Campground in Newton, NJ. It was a very unique campground with fun signs on the hiking trails, stagecoach camping, as well as a beach and swimming pool. Biking on the nearby Sussex Branch and Paulinskill Valley Rail Trail was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I tripped on a root while running on the Sussex trail and sprained my ankle on our last day in New Jersey. Ugh! I was really disappointed, especially since I was planning on running and biking in Virginia on all my favorite trails in our home state. It all worked out, as the weather wasn’t very cooperative anyway, and it gave me more time visit friends and family in a socially distanced way. Camping at Lake Fairfax Park felt a little surreal. We used to mountain bike through this park all the time and check out all the RV’s, and now we are actually camping here. We were thrilled when the sun came out and we were able to go one of our favorite restaurant, Clyde’s, in the Reston Town Center. One of the good things about staying in a major metropolitan area, was that we were able to replace our microwave and get Mike’s mountain bike fixed. Our next stop was Shawnee State Park in Schellsburg, PA. It was pretty gloomy, but we did manage a few easy hikes and bikes in between the rain. I definitely took it easy as my ankle is still healing. There were a lot of covered bridges nearby, however, we only checked out one, the Cuppetts Covered Bridge built in 1882.
Next stops: West Virginia & Ohio

Only in New Jersey!
Beach at NJ Campsite
Camping Rental Option in NJ

Sussex Branch Trail
NJ Rail -Trail Crossing
Rest spot on the Trail

Back in our home state of VA
1st Outdoor Dinner Date in 6 months
Reston Town Center