The Great Allegheny Passage starts in Pittsburgh, PA and ends in Cumberland, MD where it connects with the C & O Canal Towpath to Washington, DC. We had been on the C & O many times when we lived in Northern, VA, and always wanted to bike on the Great Allegheny. Camping next to the Youghiogheny River and the Great Allegheny Passage was fantastic. We stayed at the Uniontown KOA located in the Adelaide section of the trail. It was a nice KOA with the river on one side of the campground and the bike trail on the other side. The weather was beautiful which made biking, running and kayaking along the river even more amazing. Our favorite bike rides were to Smithton, where we had Sunday Brunch outside at the South Yard Depot, and another ride to Ohiopyle State Park, where we had lunch at the Ohiopyle House Cafe on the deck. Ohiopyle brought back many wonderful memories of scouting trips when the kids were younger and riding the rapids. We did kayak on the river, but on a calm section from Connellsville to the KOA, which was very relaxing. It was one of favorite stops in 2020, especially the fabulous views on the Great Allegheny of the river, bridges, beautiful trees, and flowers. We definitely recommend it, and will be back to explore other sections of the trail in the future.

Rivers Edge KOA
River side of Campground

Bike Trail
Van Meter Section of Trail
South Yard Depot Brunch Stop

Lunch at Ohiopyle

Youghiogheny River
Watching Wildlife