Our final stop on our Florida winter adventure was just outside of St. Augustine, FL. Since we had visited this city a couple of months earlier, we changed our campsite to a more remote area, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Florida closed all of its State Parks for obvious reasons, however, the St. John’s River Water Management trails were open. We spent a lot of time hiking, biking and birding in the Moses Creek Conservation area. The mountain biking trail was really fun with lots of funny signs and obstacles. I loved biking and running on the Palatka to St. Augustine trail, and encountered very few people along the path.
Our campsite in Savannah, GA was also on the outskirts of town and only about half full. It was our first time visiting this beautiful city, so we were sad we couldn’t really experience all that it has to offer due to the pandemic. We did drive to the historic area once, ordered take out and walked around for a bit. We enjoyed the cobblestone streets, spring flowers, monuments, statues, and architecture. The Savannah Wildlife Refuge drive was one of the highlights of our trip. We saw our first Clapper Rail in the reeds while hiking on the trails. Savannah has many beautiful parks and running paths, however, I opted to go to parks further outside the city to avoid the crowds. L. Scott Stell, J.F.Gregory and Tom Triplett parks all had nice trails and gave me some much needed fresh air and exercise.
Next stop is South Carolina, a new state for our RV journey!

Florida Mountain Bike Trail
Moses Creek Conservation Area
End of Palatka -St. Augustine Trail

Savannah Historic District
Social Distancing in Savannah
Savannah Walking Path

Little Blue Heron
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Clapper Rail