We were thrilled to be back in the mountains in one of our favorite states, Colorado! This time we stayed in Fort Collins for almost two weeks. We camped at KOA which was less than a mile way from the Poudre River Trail. It was such a beautiful trail along the river and many protected “Natural Areas” to run and bike through. Fort Collins did not seem like a big city due to the unbelievable amount of undeveloped land that they have designated Natural Areas. Mike had a great time birding and I enjoyed hiking throughout our stay. Our favorites were the Gateway Natural Area, North Shield Pond, Lory State park, Arapahoe Bend, Cathy Fromme Prairie Trail, Reservoir Ridge, Prospect Pond and Watson Lake. We also enjoyed the local farmers market and restaurants downtown, and a surprise dusting of snow.

Lakeside KOA Campground
Poudre Trail
Mountain Bike Trail off Poudre Trail

Poudre River
Two-Tailed Swallowtail (Gateway)
Gateway Natural Area

Woodhouse Scrub (Gateway)
Lory State Park Birding (Well Gulch Trail)
Lory State Park View

Well Gulch Nature Trail
Bald Eagles Arapahoe Bend Natural Area
North Shields Pond Natural Area