We kept very busy during our longest stay, four months in Tucson, Arizona. It is definitely nice to be able to stay in one location for a couple of months and have the time to complete our monthly, quarterly and annual maintenance and chore checklists. We cleaned, waxed, washed, organized, serviced, repaired or replaced what feels like everything inside and outside our RV and tow vehicle. Our RV is a 2013 Newmar Dutchstar and our tow is a 2008 Honda CRV. There are no guarantees, but we sleep better at night knowing that we have completed due diligence to keep everything in good working order.
Starting with the new year, we decided to make some changes to our diet. We have always tried to eat healthy, however, once we started RVing, we found we started to eat more processed food for convenience. We both feel better eating whole foods and paying attention to every ingredient in the foods that we eat to avoid chemicals and junk. It is a bit more expensive and takes more time, but is definitely worth it. Tucson was such a great place to be during the pandemic with its amazing biking/running trails for cardio workouts and just enjoying the mountain views. We also invested in more dumbbells and added a rack for Julie’s weights in our closet, so we could both work out at the same time.
We definitely still had time for fun and thoroughly enjoyed our time in Tucson and multiple short trips to keep things interesting. Our most recent side trip was to Patagonia Lakes State Park in Nogales, AZ. It is beautiful park and is known for great birding and wildlife viewing. We were hoping to see some Coatimundi and Elegant Trogons that can be found in the area, but unfortunately did not spot any. We still had a great time enjoying the lake and trails.
We are a little sad to be leaving Tucson, however, it is time hit the road, head toward cooler weather and visit family. Mike is very thankful for the opportunity he has had to be of service for the past several months providing vaccinations and working with a great group of people. I was able to stay busy by helping my daughter and her husbands’ business remotely, during a very busy time for them, River Birch Candles.

Christopher Columbus Park
Snow in March????
Tucson Mountain Park

Tucson Loop Rest Stop
Spring Flowers Blooming on Trail
Julie's New Weight Rack

Park Entrance
Birding on a Cool Arizona Morning
Patagonia Lake State Park