Our second trip to Corpus Christi was even better than our first. A new KOA campground recently opened up right on the Laguna Madre. Our campsite was fabulous and our stay was super relaxing. We spent a lot of time reading, sitting by the campfire, watching birds and the water. Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve had some nice trails and wildlife viewing. Mike was able to meet up with a family friend, Kristi Thulin, who lives in Corpus Christi and is a big birder. She took Mike to Port Aransas and the Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center, which he really enjoyed. We also went to the South Texas Botanical Garden and explored the trails and the exhibits. The KOA campground had lots of activities while we were there, even a nice evening of live music. We will definitely stay at this campground again.
Next stop, our the Rio Grande Valley!

Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve Trail
Oso Bay Trail
Garden Nature Trail

South Texas Botanical Gardens
Emerging from my Chrysalis
More Botanical Gardens

Cutest Ever Pied-Billed Grebe
Whooping Cranes
Mike & Kristi

Mike's Beach Workout

Laguna Madre at Sunset