We want to start off this blog post with thanking everyone who subscribed to our website, liked our page on Facebook, or follows us on Instagram or Twitter. It is really fun to share our journey and to learn and hear from all of you. We had five winners for our February t-shirt giveway: Carol Sullivan, Brenda Roach, Mary Fink, Rose Viozzi, and Minnie Scrafford. Congrats to each of you and thanks again for your support!
The title of our blog this week is “Boom Shakalacka” in honor of one of the birds we have seen in the Rio Grande Valley, the Plain Chachalaca.
A large chicken like bird of Mexico and Central America, the Plain Chachalaca reaches the United States only in southern Texas. Its name comes from its loud, raucous calls. It has been so cool to be exposed to so many birds while we have been in the area!
One of the advantages of staying at at RV sites for longer lengths of time is being able to schedule and complete necessary tasks; like taxes, appointments, passport renewal, etc. We got a lot of things done, and were finally able to reschedule our RV training class. I was nervous, and very pleasantly surprised that by the end of the sessions, I actually felt comfortable driving our 43′ motorhome. I still don’t ever want to drive it in heavy traffic on interstates, which thankfully, Mike is okay with!!
We had several opportunities to bike in the past couple of weeks. Our favorite locations where Bentsen State Park and Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge. It is really nice to bike through a state park first and get the “lay of the land” and decide where we want to spend our time, while getting some good exercise. We are then able to hike or bike to the locations that most interest us.
I stayed in the RV by myself for the first time, as Mike went back to Omaha for a week to visit family. I was a little apprehensive at first, but felt very secure in the friendly 55+ gated RV community we were staying in. I am very careful running and biking in new areas and was lucky to find several local parks that I felt safe by myself while he was out of town.
It was nice for both of us to have some time by ourselves after so much togetherness. Thankfully we both really missed each other and are happy to be on the road again. Next stop is Goose Island State Park in the Texas Coastal Bend.

So many flowers in the RGV!
Our campsite in Weslaco, TX
RV Park sunset & orange trees

Biking in Bensten State Park
Hiking in Santa Ana Refuge
Hummingbird at Bentsen State Park

Mike enjoying time with family!
Driving the RV
Cleaning the A/C

T-Shirt Winner: Carol Sullivan