About Us

We’re Mike and Julie Rome, married since 1988. We have two wonderful children, both done with college and gainfully employed. Mike was a Registered Nurse and worked in Public Health for 20+ years. Julie was a manager with a logistics company for 30+ plus years.
As we discussed retirement we thought, “Kids have moved away, let’s live someplace warm during the winter, cool during the summer”. Hard to hit both of these without having two residences and we really didn’t want to shell out the money for that.
So what about RVing? Surprisingly both of us thought this was an option and we started looking into it in 2016. We rented an RV a couple of times, once during an Educational RV rally with RV-Dreams. We survived this week long seminar in a 30 ft RV and came out unscathed, actually had a great time, learned a lot and met some great people. We decided that the full-time RV lifestyle was definitely for us, made an action plan, and now we are living our dream!
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Getting Ready
Mike spent a lot of time researching what type of RV would work best for us. After exploring forums such as iRV2, he focused on Newmar’s Diesel Pushers, 2009 to 2014. Reviewing data from the forums showed information on so many types of RVs and things to consider, but he felt safest staying with Newmar, though there are many other great brands out there. Together we decided to go with a Class A, as this seemed to be the best choice for us, and to buy it "gently used" to stay within budget. The Reason we concentrated on the Newmar brand was due to their “Comfort Drive” technology, easier to drive for both of us, and their very high quality ratings. We bought a 2013 Newmar Dutchstar 43' motorhome in June of 2018 and could not be happier with our purchase.
Six Years Full-time! (5 states left)